Small Business Disaster Recovery Assistance

H-GALDC - Houston-Galveston Area Local Development Corporation

Small Business Disaster Recovery Assistance

Current/Active Disaster Declarations: Declaration #20320, #20445, and #20446

The following information listed below is additional information to be considered in conjunction with the fact sheets for current/active disaster declarations; Declaration #20320, Declaration #20445, and #20446.

H-GALDC will coordinate with the SBA local Houston office to communicate resources available for disaster recovery options for current business clients and local small businesses impacted by the recent storms throughout our region. The SBA coordinates with the local Chambers of Commerce and Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) to establish Business Recovery Centers (BRCS) which are specific to Business Recovery applications (for both physical damage and economic injury) and coordinate with FEMA to establish Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) which are specific to residential recovery applications (physical home damage) but can assist with business applications as well.

Recovery Assistance Documentation

Listed below are specific documentation and or forms business owners may want to compile and bring with them as they set out to apply for recovery assistance at any BRCs, DRCs, and or online.

Documentation needed from business owners when applying via online or BRCs:

  • Valid Photo ID (i.e., Driver's License, State ID, and or Permanent Resident Card)
  • Employment status and income statements
  • Employer Information (i.e., Company, job title, and etc..)
  • Personal Tax Returns (i.e.,1040s)
  • Personal asset information (i.e., home and car value, and etc...)

Information business owners can expect to provide at application via online and in person via BRCs & DRCs:

  • Ownership information
  • Affiliate business information if applicable
  • Business Tax Returns (i.e., 1120, 1040)
  • Business Address
  • Business EIN or Tax ID (i.e., EIN Letter, articles of incorporation)
  • Business and personal Debt information and schedule (i.e. loans, monthly and or yearly payment amounts)
  • Business asset information

There are Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) at each established DRC and BRC and also available by phone if applying online to assist with business recovery applications should an applicant have any questions. Business applicants that apply online or in person at a DRC or BRC can also check on the status of their application and get assistance with reconsideration, should they need such assistance at the DRCs and BRCs as well.

TEXAS – Severe Storms, Straight-line Winds, Tornadoes & Flooding

Business Recovery Centers & Disaster Recovery Centers

Please Click Here to view address and hours of operations for Business Recovery & Disaster Recovery Centers

Approved Number of Applicants
Loan Requests
Funded Number of Applicants
Loan Request Disbursed
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